List of Famous people named Sanne

Similar names: Sian, Zane, Sanna, Sana, Sanae, Sanaa, Sanya, Zan, Sanni, Zahn, Zana, Sani, Sania, Sianoa, Sanaya, Sanoe, Sayani, Zanna, San, Saniyya, Sano, Zani, Sayana. Here are some famous Sannes:

Sanne Wevers

First Name Sanne
Last Name Wevers
Born on September 17, 1991 (age 33)
Height 156 cm | 5'1

Sanne Wevers is a Dutch artistic gymnast. She has competed internationally as a senior since 2007, primarily as a balance beam and uneven bars specialist. Wevers is the 2016 Olympic and 2018 European champion on balance beam and was the first Dutch female gymnast to become an individual Olympic champion. She is also the 2015 World silver medalist on balance beam and the 2015 European bronze medalist on uneven bars.

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Sanne Salomonsen

Susanne Salomonsen

Sanne Salomonsen, is a Danish singer. She has been performing since 1973, and various songs by her band Sneakers were on the charts continuously from 1979 to 1985. She was also a member of the Anne Linnet Band. Salomonsen is the daughter of ornithologist Finn Salomonsen.

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Sanne van Paassen

First Name Sanne
Last Name Paassen
Born on October 27, 1988 (age 36)

Sanne van Paassen is a Dutch former professional cyclo-cross racing cyclist. In 2011, she won the UCI Cyclo-cross World Cup, after winning the Cyclo-cross Pilsen. She won several silver and bronze medals at the national and European cyclo-cross championships. She won 19 cyclo-cross races in her career.

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Sanne Schnapp

First Name Sanne
Last Name Schnapp
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Sanne Dryborough

First Name Sanne
Last Name Dryborough
Born on June 26, 1945 (age 79)
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Sanne Nygaard

First Name Sanne
Last Name Nygaard
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Don't know him/her
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