List of Famous people named Sani

Similar names: Sian, Zane, Sanne, Sanna, Sana, Sanae, Sanaa, Sanya, Zan, Sanni, Zahn, Zana, Sania, Sianoa, Sanaya, Sanoe, Sayani, Zanna, San, Saniyya, Sano, Zani, Sayana. Here are some famous Sanis:

Sani Dangote

First Name Sani
Last Name Dangote
Died on October 31, 2021 (aged 51)
Born in Nigeria, Kano State

Alhaji Sani Dangote was a Nigerian businessman. He was the younger brother of the wealthiest person in Africa, Aliko Dangote and vice president of the family run Dangote Group. He died on 14 November 2021 in the United States from colon cancer.

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Sani Abacha

First Name Sani
Last Name Abacha
Born on September 20, 1943
Died on June 8, 1998 (aged 54)
Born in Nigeria, Kano State

Sani Abacha GCFR was a Nigerian military general who served as the military head of state of Nigeria from 1993 until his death in 1998. He was also Chief of Army Staff between 1985 to 1990; Chief of Defence Staff between 1990 to 1993; and Minister of Defence. In 1993, Abacha became the first Nigerian Army officer to attain the rank of a full military general without skipping a single rank.

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Sani Lakatani

First Name Sani
Last Name Lakatani
Born on January 1, 1936 (age 88)

Sani Elia Lagigietama Lakatani is a former Premier of Niue. He was a member of the Niue People's Party.

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