List of Famous people named Sakher

Here are some famous Sakhers:

Sakher El Materi

Fahd Mohamed Sakher El Materi
First Name Sakher
Born on December 2, 1981 (age 42)

Sakher El Materi is a Tunisian businessman. He is the son-in-law of Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, who was President of Tunisia until 2011. In 2010, Materi's company Princesse El-Materi Holdings was operating in six industry sectors: News and Media, Banking and Financial Services, Automotive, Shipping and Cruises, Real Estate and Agriculture. A member of the ruling Constitutional Democratic Rally, he was elected as a Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Tunisia for the constituency of Tunis on 25 October 2009. He was struck off by the party after the 2011 Tunisian Revolution. After the revolution El Materi fled the country and went to the Seychelles.

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Sakher Habash

First Name Sakher
Born on November 10, 1939
Died on November 1, 2009 (aged 69)

Yahya Sakher Habash, also known as Abu Nizar, was one of the Fatah founding leaders.

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