List of Famous people named Oskar

Similar names: Oskari. Here are some famous Oskars:

Oskar Lafontaine

First Name Oskar
Last Name Lafontaine
Born on September 16, 1943 (age 81)
Born in Germany, Saarland

Oskar Lafontaine is a German politician. He served as Minister-President of the state of Saarland from 1985 to 1998, and was federal leader of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) from 1995 to 1999. He was the lead candidate for the SPD in the 1990 German federal election, but lost by a wide margin. He served as Minister of Finance under Chancellor Gerhard Schröder after the SPD's victory in the 1998 federal election, but resigned from both the ministry and Bundestag less than six months later, positioning himself as a popular opponent of Schröder's policies in the tabloid press.

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Oskar Fischinger

Oskar Wilhelm Fischinger
First Name Oskar
Last Name Fischinger
Born on June 22, 1900
Died on January 31, 1967 (aged 66)
Born in Germany, Hesse

Oskar Wilhelm Fischinger was a German-American abstract animator, filmmaker, and painter, notable for creating abstract musical animation many decades before the appearance of computer graphics and music videos. He created special effects for Fritz Lang's 1929 Woman in the Moon, one of the first sci-fi rocket movies, and influenced Disney's Fantasia. He made over 50 short films and painted around 800 canvases, many of which are in museums, galleries, and collections worldwide. Among his film works is Motion Painting No. 1 (1947), which is now listed on the National Film Registry of the U.S. Library of Congress.

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Oskar Kuchera

Евгений Александрович Боголюбов
First Name Oskar
Last Name Kuchera
Born on August 11, 1974 (age 50)
Born in Russia

Oskar Aleksandrovich Kuchera is a Russian actor, TV presenter and radio host. He was born in Moscow, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union. He has made appearances in movies such as Unreal Love and Soldiers and is a presenter on Top Gear Russia.

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Oskar Lindblom

First Name Oskar
Last Name Lindblom
Born on August 15, 1996 (age 28)
Height 187 cm | 6'2

Oskar Lindblom is a Swedish professional ice hockey forward for the Philadelphia Flyers of the National Hockey League (NHL).

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Oskar Gottlieb Blarr

First Name Oskar
Last Name Blarr
Born on May 6, 1934 (age 90)

Oskar Gottlieb Blarr is a German composer, organist, church musician and academic teacher.

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Oskar Matute

First Name Oskar
Last Name Matute
Born on October 5, 1972 (age 52)

Oskar Matute García de Jalón is a Spanish politician and a member of the Congress of Deputies of Spain. He was previously a member of the Basque Parliament.

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Oskar Roehler

First Name Oskar
Last Name Roehler
Born on January 21, 1959 (age 66)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Oskar Roehler is a German film director, screenwriter and journalist. He was born in Starnberg as the son of writer Gisela Elsner and the writer Klaus Roehler. Since the mid-1980s he has been working as a screenwriter, for, among others, Niklaus Schilling, Christoph Schlingensief and Mark Schlichter. Since the early 1990s he has also been working as a film director. For his film No Place to Go he won the Deutscher Filmpreis. His 2010 film Jew Suss: Rise and Fall was nominated for the Golden Bear at the 60th Berlin International Film Festival.

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Oskar Freysinger

First Name Oskar
Last Name Freysinger
Born on June 12, 1960 (age 64)

Oskar Freysinger is a Swiss politician of the Swiss People's Party.

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Oskar Lange

First Name Oskar
Last Name Lange
Born on July 27, 1904
Died on October 2, 1965 (aged 61)

Oskar Ryszard Lange was a Polish economist and diplomat. He is best known for advocating the use of market pricing tools in socialist systems and providing a model of market socialism. He responded to the economic calculation problem proposed by Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek by claiming that managers in a centrally-planned economy would be able to monitor supply and demand through increases and declines in inventories of goods, and advocated the nationalization of major industries. During his stay in the United States, Lange was an academic teacher and researcher in mathematical economics. Later in socialist Poland, he was a member of the Central Committee of the Polish United Workers' Party.

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Oskar Kusch

First Name Oskar
Last Name Kusch
Born on April 6, 1918
Died on May 12, 1944 (aged 26)
Born in Germany
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