List of Famous people named Nassir

Similar names: Nasser, Nasir, Nazir, Naser, Nazyr. Here are some famous Nassirs:

Nassir Little

Nassir Shamai Little is an American professional basketball player for the Portland Trail Blazers of the National Basketball Association (NBA). Little finished his high school career as one of the top-ranked players in his class, having led Orlando Christian Prep to consecutive Florida state championships. The 6 ft 5 in (1.96 m) small forward went on to play college basketball for the North Carolina Tar Heels.

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Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser

First Name Nassir
Born on September 15, 1952 (age 72)
Born in Qatar, Ad Dawhah

Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser is a Qatari diplomat and the former permanent representative of Qatar to the United Nations, appointed on 11 September 1998. Prior to this office at the United Nations, Al-Nasser had served as the ambassador to Jordan from 1993. He worked for his country's foreign affairs department beginning in November 1972. He was the President of the Sixty-sixth session of the United Nations General Assembly from 14 September 2011 to 18 September 2012.

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