List of Famous people named Nandamuri

Here are some famous Nandamuris:

Nandamuri Balakrishna

First Name Nandamuri
Born on June 10, 1960 (age 64)
Born in India

Nandamuri Balakrishna, known as Balakrishna, is a dynamic Indian film actor and politician. He appeared in more than 100 Telugu films over forty years in a variety of roles and established himself as one of the leading actors of Telugu cinema. He won three Nandi Awards and one South Indian International Movie Award. He is an elected member of the Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly from Hindupur constituency since 2014.

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Nandamuri Kalyan Ram

First Name Nandamuri
Born on July 5, 1978 (age 46)
Born in India

Nandamuri Kalyan Ram is an Indian actor and film producer who works in Telugu cinema. He was born to actor and politician Nandamuri Harikrishna and Lakshmi Nandamuri. He is a grandson of N. T. Rama Rao, who was an actor and politician. His younger brother, Junior NTR, is also an actor. Ram is best known for his roles in action films such as Athanokkade, Hare Ram and 118. Ram is the owner of the production company N. T. R. Arts, named after his grandfather. He also owns "Advitha Creative Studios", a video effects company, which provided special effects for movies such as Legend, Nannaku Prematho and Krishnashtami.

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