List of Famous people named Montgomery

Similar names: Montgomerie. Here are some famous Montgomerys:

Montgomery Clift

First Name Montgomery
Last Name Clift
Born on October 17, 1920
Died on July 23, 1966 (aged 45)
Height 177 cm | 5'10

Edward Montgomery Clift was an American actor. A four-time Academy Award nominee, The New York Times said he was known for his portrayal of "moody, sensitive young men".

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Montgomery C. Meigs

Montgomery Cunningham Meigs
First Name Montgomery
Last Name Meigs
Born on May 3, 1816
Died on January 2, 1892 (aged 75)

Montgomery Cunningham Meigs was a career United States Army officer and civil engineer, who served as Quartermaster General of the U.S. Army during and after the American Civil War. Meigs strongly opposed secession and supported the Union; his record as Quartermaster General was regarded as outstanding, both in effectiveness and in ethical probity, and Secretary of State William H. Seward viewed it as a key factor in the Union victory.

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Montgomery Stewart

First Name Montgomery
Last Name Stewart
Born on April 15, 1780
Died on January 10, 1860 (aged 79)
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Montgomery Blair

First Name Montgomery
Last Name Blair
Born on May 10, 1813
Died on July 27, 1883 (aged 70)

Montgomery Blair was an American politician and lawyer from Maryland. He served in the Lincoln administration cabinet as Postmaster-General from 1861 to 1864, during the Civil War. He was the son of Francis Preston Blair, elder brother of Francis Preston Blair, Jr. and cousin of B. Gratz Brown.

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Montgomery Wilson

First Name Montgomery
Last Name Wilson
Born on August 20, 1909
Died on November 15, 1964 (aged 55)
Born in Canada, Ontario

William Stewart Montgomery "Bud" Wilson was a Canadian figure skater. Competing in singles, he became the 1932 Olympic bronze medallist, the 1932 World silver medallist, a six-time North American champion, and a nine-time Canadian national champion.

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Montgomery James Stewart

First Name Montgomery
Last Name Stewart
Born on January 1, 1863
Died on January 1, 1895 (aged 32)
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Montgomery Campbell

First Name Montgomery
Last Name Campbell
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