List of Famous people named Monali

Here are some famous Monalis:

Monali Thakur

First Name Monali
Born on November 3, 1985 (age 39)
Born in India

Monali Thakur is an Indian singer and actress. She is the recipient of a National Film Award, Filmfare Award and many more awards. Thakur won the National Film Award for Best Female Playback Singer for the song "Moh Moh Ke Dhaage" from the film Dum Laga Ke Haisha (2015) and the Filmfare Award for Best Female Playback Singer for the song "Sawaar Loon" from the Film "Lootera" (2013). She was a judge on Zee TV's Sa Re Ga Ma Pa L'il Champs 2014. She was also an "expert" on Colors TV's Rising Star for two consecutive seasons.

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