List of Famous people named Moisei

Similar names: Moise, Moisey. Here are some famous Moiseis:

Moisei Uritsky

First Name Moisei
Born on January 2, 1873
Died on August 30, 1918 (aged 45)

Moisei Solomonovich Uritsky was a Bolshevik revolutionary leader in Russia. After the October Revolution, he was Chief of Cheka of the Petrograd Soviet. Uritsky was assassinated by Leonid Kannegisser, a military cadet, who was executed shortly afterwards.

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Moisei Ginzburg

First Name Moisei
Born on May 23, 1892
Died on January 7, 1946 (aged 53)
Born in Belarus

Moisei Yakovlevich Ginzburg was a Soviet constructivist architect, best known for his 1929 Narkomfin Building in Moscow.

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