List of Famous people named Mckayla

Here are some famous Mckaylas:

McKayla Maroney

McKayla Rose Maroney
First Name McKayla
Born on December 9, 1995 (age 29)
Height 161 cm | 5'3

McKayla Rose Maroney is an American retired artistic gymnast. She was a member of the American women's gymnastics team dubbed the Fierce Five at the 2012 Summer Olympics, where she won a gold medal in the team and an individual silver medal in the vault event. Maroney was also a member of the gold-winning American team at the 2011 World Championships, where she won gold medals in the team and vault competitions. She defended her World title and won the gold medal on vault at the 2013 World Championships, becoming the first U.S. female gymnast to defend a World Championship vault title.

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McKayla Style

First Name McKayla
Born on January 1, 1990 (age 35)
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Don't know him/her
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