List of Famous people named Lolita

Similar names: Loleatta. Here are some famous Lolitas:

Lolita Milyavskaya

Лоліта Марківна Горелик
First Name Lolita
Born on November 14, 1963 (age 61)

Lolita Markovna Milyavskaya is a Russian singer, actress, TV and film director of Ukrainian origin. She is better known under her stage name Lolita. She was born in Mukachevo, Zakarpattia Oblast, Ukraine.

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Lolita Flores

María Dolores González Flores
First Name Lolita
Born on May 6, 1958 (age 66)

María Dolores González Flores better known as Lolita, is a Spanish actress and singer. She is the daughter of Lola Flores and Antonio González, sister of Antonio Flores and Rosario Flores. She was married to Guillermo Furiase and they had two children Elena and Guillermo.

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Lolita Séchan

First Name Lolita
Born on August 9, 1980 (age 44)

Lolita Séchan is a French writer. She writes children's books as well as comic books; she published her first graphic novel Les Brumes de Sapa at the age of 36.

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Lolita Morena

First Name Lolita
Born on October 15, 1960 (age 64)
Born in Italy, Marche

Lolita Laura Morena is a Swiss model, actress, and television hostess.

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Lolita Chammah

First Name Lolita
Born on October 1, 1983 (age 41)

Lolita Chammah is a French actress. She has appeared in more than forty films since 1988. Chammah is the daughter of Ronald Chammah and Isabelle Huppert.

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Lolita Rodrigues

First Name Lolita
Born on March 10, 1929 (age 95)

Sílvia Gonçalves Rodrigues Leite is a former Brazilian television actress and presenter.

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Lolita Chakrabarti

First Name Lolita
Born on June 1, 1969 (age 55)

Lolita Chakrabarti is an English actress and writer.

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Lolita Ayala

First Name Lolita
Born on May 20, 1951 (age 73)
Born in Mexico

Dolores Ayala Nieto, better known as Lolita Ayala, is a Mexican journalist and philanthropist from Mexico City. She began her career in television journalism in the early 1970s, at a time when no woman headed a news or informational program in Mexico. In 1974, she was asked to host a segment of the then popular news show 24 Horas, hosted by Jacobo Zabludovsky, who became her mentor. In 1987, she became the main anchor of her own news program, now called El Noticiero con Lolita Ayala which has been on the air since. She also does health information videos for television. She is a member of ten social/charity organizations, with the most important of these being Sólo por Ayudar which she founded in 1985 and Comité Pro Animal which she co-founded in 1992.

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Lolita Pille

First Name Lolita
Born on August 27, 1982 (age 42)

Lolita Pille is a French author, best known for her two novels: Paris 75016: Hell's Diary and Bubble Gum.

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Lolita de la Colina

First Name Lolita
Born on December 26, 1948 (age 75)

Dolores de la Colina Flores is a popular singer and songwriter from the 1970s based in Mexico. She has written songs for Manoella Torres, Lupita D'Alessio, Sophy, José José, José Luis Rodríguez "El Puma", Daniela Romo, Arianna, Stephanie Salas, Raphael, Moncho, Manolo Muñoz, Vikki Carr, Trigo Limpio, Ana Gabriel, Raquel Olmedo, María Dolores Pradera, Olga Guillott, Gloria Lasso, Bebo y Cigala, Emmanuel, Estela Núñez, María Jiménez, Pedro Fernández, Verónica Castro, Manuel Mijares, Lucero, Yuri, Kika Edgar, Roberto Blades, Pepe Aguilar, Chavela Vargas, La Lupe, Marco Antonio Muñiz, Ernesto D'alessio and many other singers in different music styles. In 1974, she was discovered while in Puerto Rico by Tico/Alegre's Joe Cain and signed to the label.

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