List of Famous people named Lauri

Similar names: Laura, Laurie, Laure, Lauro. Here are some famous Lauris:

Lauri Markkanen

First Name Lauri
Last Name Markkanen
Born on May 22, 1997 (age 27)
Born in Finland, Uusimaa
Height 213 cm | 7'0

Lauri Elias Markkanen is a Finnish professional basketball player for the Chicago Bulls of the National Basketball Association (NBA). In the 2017 NBA draft, he was taken by the Minnesota Timberwolves with the seventh overall pick before being included in a trade to the Chicago Bulls for Jimmy Butler. He is the son of Finnish basketball players Pekka and Riikka Markkanen, and the younger brother of soccer player Eero Markkanen.

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Lauri Love

First Name Lauri
Last Name Love
Born on December 14, 1984 (age 39)
Born in United Kingdom

Lauri Love is a British activist previously wanted by the United States for his alleged activities with the hacker collective Anonymous.

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Lauri Törni

First Name Lauri
Last Name Törni
Born on May 28, 1919
Died on October 18, 1965 (aged 46)

Lauri Allan Törni, later known as Larry Alan Thorne, was a Finnish born American soldier who fought under three flags: as a Finnish Army officer in the Winter War and the Continuation War ultimately gaining a rank of captain; as a Waffen-SS captain of the Finnish Volunteer Battalion of the Waffen-SS when he fought the Red Army on the Eastern Front in World War II; and as a United States Army Major when he served in the U.S. Army Special Forces in the Vietnam War.

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Lauri Peters

First Name Lauri
Last Name Peters
Born on July 2, 1943 (age 81)

Lauri Peters is an American actress, dancer, singer, drama teacher, and author.

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Lauri Wylie

First Name Lauri
Last Name Wylie
Born on May 25, 1880
Died on January 1, 1951 (aged 70)

Lauri Wylie, originally Maurice Laurence Samuelson Metzenberg, was a British actor and author. He is primarily remembered as the author of the play "Dinner for One", the 1963 screen adaptation of which went on to become the most frequently repeated television programme ever, according to the Guinness Book of Records, due in large part to its place as a New Year's viewing tradition in Germany.

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Lauri Ylönen

Lauri Johannes Ylönen
First Name Lauri
Last Name Ylönen
Born on April 23, 1979 (age 45)
Born in Finland, Uusimaa

Lauri Ylönen is a Finnish singer-songwriter, best known as the frontman of the Finnish alternative rock band The Rasmus.

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Lauri Ingman

Lars Johannes Ingman
First Name Lauri
Last Name Ingman
Born on June 30, 1868
Died on October 25, 1934 (aged 66)

Lars (Lauri) Johannes Ingman was a Finnish theologian, bishop and politician. From 1916 to 1930 he was the professor of practical theology in the University of Helsinki. He was also a member of the conservative National Coalition Party, where he acted as the speaker of the parliament and a minister in several cabinets, and served as the Prime Minister of Finland twice, in 1918–1919 and 1924–1925. In 1930 he was elected Archbishop of Turku, head of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland.

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Lauri Aus

First Name Lauri
Last Name Aus
Born on November 4, 1970
Died on July 20, 2003 (aged 32)

Lauri Aus was an Estonian professional cyclist, who represented his native country at three consecutive Summer Olympics, starting in 1992.

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Lauri Kristian Relander

First Name Lauri
Last Name Relander
Born on May 31, 1883
Died on February 9, 1942 (aged 58)

Lauri Kristian Relander was the second President of Finland (1925–1931). A prominent member of the Agrarian League, he served as a member of Parliament, and as Speaker, before his election as President.

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Lauri Porra

First Name Lauri
Last Name Porra
Born on December 13, 1977 (age 46)
Born in Finland, Uusimaa

Lauri Porra is a Finnish bass guitarist and a composer who has written scores for films and other media, as well as commissions from orchestras such as the Lahti Symphony and the Finnish Radio Symphony. He is also known for his work as the bass guitarist in Stratovarius. Porra is a fourth generation musician, and the great-grandson of famous Finnish composer Jean Sibelius.

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