List of Famous people named Lalita

Similar names: Lalit. Here are some famous Lalitas:

Lalita Pawar

First Name Lalita
Died on February 24, 1998 (aged 28)
Born in India

Lalita Pawar was a prolific Indian actress, who later became famous as a character actress, appearing in over 700 films in Hindi, Marathi and Gujarati cinema. She featured in hit films such as Netaji Palkar (1938), made by Bhalji Pendharkar, New Hana Pictures' Sant Damaji, Navyug Chitrapat's Amrit, written by VS Khandekar, and Chhaya Films' Gora Kumbhar. Her other memorable roles were in the films Anari (1959), Shri 420 and Mr & Mrs 55, and the role of Manthara, in Ramanand Sagar's television epic serial Ramayan.

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Lalita Babar

First Name Lalita
Born on June 2, 1989 (age 35)
Born in India

Lalita Babar is an Indian long-distance runner. She was born in a small village in the Satara district, Maharashtra. She predominantly competes in the 3000 metres steeplechase and is the current Indian national record holder and the reigning Asian Champion in the same event.

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Lalita Shastri

First Name Lalita
Born on November 30, 1910
Died on January 1, 1993 (aged 82)
Born in India

Lalita Shastri was the wife of the former Prime Minister of India, Lal Bahadur Shastri.

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Lalita Lajmi

First Name Lalita
Born in India

Lalita Lajmi is an Indian painter. Lalita is a self-taught artist born into a family involved in the arts, and was very fond of classical dance even as a child. She is the sister of Hindi film director, producer, and actor Guru Dutt. In 1994 she was invited to the Guru Dutt Film Festival, organised by Gopal Krishna Gandhi- Indian High Commission at Nehru Center, London. Her work is also influenced by Indian films such as those made by her brother Guru Dutt, Satyajit Ray and Raj Kapoor.

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