List of Famous people named Katty

Similar names: Kate, Katie, Kathy, Katy, Kati, Kathe, Kato, Katia, Kat, Katya, Katt, Kata, Katha, Katee, Katey, Kathi, Kathie, Kath. Here are some famous Kattys:

Katty Kay

First Name Katty
Born on November 14, 1964 (age 59)

Katherine "Katty" B. Kay is a British journalist, author and broadcaster. She presents BBC World News America and, with Christian Fraser, hosts Beyond 100 Days on BBC Four, BBC News and BBC World News. She has anchored BBC coverage of two Presidential elections. She also appears weekly on NBC News in Morning Joe.

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Katty Salié

First Name Katty
Born on May 17, 1975 (age 49)
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Katty Martínez

First Name Katty
Born on March 14, 1998 (age 26)
Born in Mexico

Katty Martínez Abad is a Mexican footballer who plays as a forward for Liga MX Femenil side Club América and the Mexico women's national team.

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