List of Famous people named Kapil

Here are some famous Kapils:

Kapil Dev

First Name Kapil
Born on January 6, 1959 (age 65)
Born in India

Kapil Dev Ramlal Nikhanj is a former Indian cricketer. He was a fast bowler and a hard hitting middle order batsman. Widely regarded as one of the greatest all-rounders to play the game, he is also regarded as one of the greatest captains of all time. He led India to win the third Cricket World Cup title in 1983. He was named by Wisden as the Indian Cricketer of the Century in 2002.

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Kapil Sharma

First Name Kapil
Born on April 2, 1981 (age 43)
Born in India

Kapil Sharma is an Indian stand-up comedian, television presenter, TV actor and film & television producer known for hosting The Kapil Sharma Show. He previously hosted the television comedy shows Comedy Nights with Kapil and Family Time with Kapil.

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Kapil Mishra

First Name Kapil
Born on November 13, 1980 (age 43)
Born in India

Kapil Mishra is an Indian politician from Delhi. and a former MLA represented Karawal Nagar in the Sixth Legislative Assembly of Delhi.

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Kapil Sibal

First Name Kapil
Born on August 8, 1948 (age 75)

Kapil Sibal is an Indian politician belonging to the Indian National Congress party. A lawyer, he formerly served at the helm of various ministries in the Congress-led UPA government over the years – beginning with the Ministry of Science & Technology, then the Ministry of Human Resource Development followed by the Ministry of Communications & IT, and the Ministry of Law & Justice.

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Kapil Chaudhary

First Name Kapil
Born on March 29, 1997 (age 27)
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