List of Famous people named Juice

Similar names: Juicy. Here are some famous Juices:

Juice Newton

First Name Juice
Born on February 18, 1952 (age 72)

Judy Kay "Juice" Newton is an American pop and country singer, songwriter, and musician. To date, Newton has received five Grammy Award nominations in the Pop and Country Best Female Vocalist categories - winning once in 1983 - as well as an ACM Award for Top New Female Artist and two Billboard Female Album Artist of the Year awards. Newton's other awards include a People's Choice Award for "Best Female Vocalist" and the Australian Music Media's "Number One International Country Artist."

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Juice Robinson

Joseph Ryan Robinson
First Name Juice
Born on April 10, 1989 (age 35)

Joseph Ryan "Juice" Robinson is an American professional wrestler currently signed to New Japan Pro-Wrestling (NJPW) under the ring name Juice Robinson.

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