List of Famous people named Jens

Name Jens is among the most common names in Germany. Here are some famous Jenses:

Jens Spahn

First Name Jens
Last Name Spahn
Born on May 16, 1980 (age 44)

Jens Spahn is a German politician currently serving as Federal Minister of Health in the fourth Merkel cabinet. He is a member of the lower house of the federal parliament, the Bundestag for Steinfurt I – Borken I and is a member of the centre-right Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU), which governs in partnership with the centre-left Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD).

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Jens Söring

First Name Jens
Last Name Söring
Born on August 1, 1966 (age 58)
Born in Thailand

Jens Söring, usually rendered in English as Jens Soering, is a German who, in 1990, was convicted in Virginia, United States of America of murdering the parents of his then-girlfriend, Elizabeth Haysom. Derek and Nancy Haysom had disapproved of Söring's relationship with their daughter. For her role in the deaths, Elizabeth Haysom was convicted of two counts of accessory before the fact to murder.

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Jens Riewa

First Name Jens
Last Name Riewa
Born on July 2, 1963 (age 61)
Born in Germany, Brandenburg

Jens Riewa is a German television presenter and broadcast news analyst for the Tagesschau, a programme produced by the German broadcaster ARD.

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Jens Weidmann

First Name Jens
Last Name Weidmann
Born on April 20, 1968 (age 56)

Jens Weidmann is a German economist, president of the Deutsche Bundesbank, and Chairman of the Board of the Bank for International Settlements.

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Jens Weißflog

First Name Jens
Last Name Weißflog
Born on July 21, 1964 (age 60)
Born in Germany, Saxony
Height 170 cm | 5'7

Jens Weißflog is a German former ski jumper. He is one of the best and most successful ski jumpers in the history of the sport. Only Finns Matti Nykänen and Janne Ahonen, Poles Adam Małysz and Kamil Stoch and Austrian Gregor Schlierenzauer have won more World Cup victories.

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Jens Teutrine

First Name Jens
Last Name Teutrine
Born on October 22, 1993 (age 31)

Jens Teutrine is a German politician of the Free Democratic Party (FDP) who has been serving as a member of the Bundestag since the 2021 German federal election, representing the Herford – Minden-Lübbecke II district. Since 2020, he is also the chairman of the party’s youth organisation, the Young Liberals (Julis). He was elected to the board of the Free Democratic Party in 2021.

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Jens Harzer

First Name Jens
Last Name Harzer
Born in Germany, Hesse

Jens Harzer is a German stage, film, and television actor. He began his career at the Munich Kammerspiele, and has been a member of the Thalia Theatre in Hamburg since 2009. He has appeared at the Salzburg Festival regularly since 2000. Harzer received prizes for roles on stage, in film and on television. He has been the bearer of the Iffland-Ring since March 2019.

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Jens Knossalla

Jens Heinz Richard Knossalla
First Name Jens
Last Name Knossalla
Born on July 7, 1986 (age 38)

Jens Heinz Richard Knossalla, commonly known online by his stage name Knossi, is a German entertainer and moderator. He became known for his participation in various television formats and as a poker commentator, presenter and live streamer. Knossalla describes himself as König des Internets and usually appears with a crown these days.

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Jens Lehmann

Jens Gerhard Lehmann
First Name Jens
Last Name Lehmann
Born on November 10, 1969 (age 54)
Height 191 cm | 6'3

Jens Gerhard Lehmann is a German former professional footballer who played as a goalkeeper. He was voted UEFA Club Goalkeeper of the Year for the 1996–97 and 2005–06 seasons, and was selected for three World Cup squads. He was a member of Arsenal's 'Invincibles', playing every match of their unbeaten title-winning season in 2003–04. He also holds the UEFA Champions League record for the most consecutive clean sheets, not conceding a single goal in 10 consecutive matches while he played for Arsenal.

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Jens Stoltenberg

First Name Jens
Last Name Stoltenberg
Born on March 16, 1959 (age 65)

Jens Stoltenberg is a Norwegian politician who has been serving as the 13th secretary general of NATO since 2014. A member of the Labour Party, he was Prime Minister of Norway from 2000 to 2001 and from 2005 to 2013.

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