List of Famous people named Jeb

Here are some famous Jebs:

Jeb Bush

John Ellis Bush
First Name Jeb
Born on February 11, 1953 (age 71)
Height 192 cm | 6'4

John Ellis "Jeb" Bush is an American politician who served as the 43rd Governor of Florida from 1999 to 2007. Bush, who grew up in Houston, is the second son of the late former President George H. W. Bush and former First Lady Barbara Bush, and a younger brother of former President George W. Bush. He graduated from Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts, and attended the University of Texas at Austin, where he earned a degree in Latin American affairs. In 1980, he moved to Florida and pursued a career in real estate development, and in 1986 became Florida's Secretary of Commerce until 1988. At that time, he joined his father's successful campaign for the Presidency.

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Jeb Stuart

First Name Jeb
Born on January 21, 1956 (age 68)

Jeb Stuart is an American screenwriter, film director, and producer best known for writing blockbuster action films like Die Hard and The Fugitive.

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Jeb Hensarling

First Name Jeb
Born on May 29, 1957 (age 67)

Thomas Jeb Hensarling is an American politician who served as the member of the United States House of Representatives from Texas's 5th congressional district from 2003 to 2019. A member of the Republican Party, Hensarling chaired the House Financial Services Committee from 2013 to 2019, and chaired the House Republican Conference from 2011 to 2013. A leading opponent of regulating the financial industry, Hensarling has close ties to Wall Street, having received campaign donations from every major Wall Street bank as well as various payday lenders.

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