List of Famous people named Izzet

Here are some famous Izzets:

İzzet Günay

First Name İzzet
Last Name Günay
Born on August 21, 1934 (age 90)

İzzet Günay is Turkish film and stage actor. He is one of the most experienced and well-known Turkish actors with appearances in more than 100 films across six decades.

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İzzet Altınmeşe

First Name İzzet
Last Name Altınmeşe
Born on November 30, 1944 (age 80)
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İzzet Melih Devrim

First Name İzzet
Last Name Devrim
Born on January 1, 1887
Died on August 15, 1966 (aged 79)
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İzzet Özilhan

First Name İzzet
Last Name Özilhan
Born on May 11, 1920
Died on June 22, 2014 (aged 94)
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İzzet Safer

First Name İzzet
Last Name Safer
Born on July 10, 1990 (age 34)
Born in Mersin Province
Height 178 cm | 5'10

İzzet Safer is a Turkish sprinter. He competed in the men's 4 × 100 metres relay at the 2016 Summer Olympics.

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İzzet Baysal

First Name İzzet
Last Name Baysal
Born on November 30, 1906
Died on March 5, 2000 (aged 93)
Born in Bolu Province
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İzzet Türkyılmaz

First Name İzzet
Last Name Türkyılmaz
Born on May 20, 1990 (age 34)
Height 216 cm | 7'1

İzzet Türkyılmaz is a Turkish professional basketball player for Balıkesir Büyükşehir Belediyespor of the Turkish Basketball First League. Standing at 2.13 m, he can play as a power forward or center.

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İzzet Özgenç

First Name İzzet
Last Name Özgenç
Born on January 1, 1960 (age 65)
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İzzet Ulvi Yönter

First Name İzzet
Last Name Yönter
Born on May 11, 1976 (age 48)
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