List of Famous people named Husayn

Similar names: Husain, Hussain. Here are some famous Husayns:

Husayn ibn Ali

First Name Husayn
Last Name Ali
Born on January 9, 0626
Died on October 10, 0680 (aged 54)

Husayn ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib was a grandson of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and a son of Ali ibn Abi Talib and Muhammad's daughter Fatimah. He is an important figure in Islam as he was a member of the Household of Muhammad and the People of the Cloak, as well as the third Shia Imam.

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Ḥusayn Kūrānī

First Name Ḥusayn
Last Name Kūrānī
Born on November 30, 1954
Died on September 12, 2019 (aged 64)

Hossein Korani Ameli is a Lebanese Shiite-Muslim cleric, one of the founders of Hezbollah in Lebanon and members of the Lebanese Hezbollah leadership council. He is the brother of Ali Al-Kourani.

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Husayn Bayqarah

First Name Husayn
Last Name Bayqarah
Born on June 30, 1438
Died on May 4, 1506 (aged 67)

Sultan Husayn Bayqara Mirza was the Timurid ruler of Herat from 1469 until May 4, 1506, with a brief interruption in 1470.

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Ḥusayn Shirbīnī

First Name Ḥusayn
Last Name Shirbīnī
Born on November 16, 1935
Died on September 14, 2007 (aged 71)
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