List of Famous people named Hidetaka

Here are some famous Hidetakas:

Hidetaka Yoshioka

First Name Hidetaka
Born on August 12, 1970 (age 54)
Height 172 cm | 5'8

Hidetaka Yoshioka is a Japanese actor known for his performance in several movies as a child and lately the award-winning TV drama Dr. Kotō Shinryōjo. He notably played the part of Tora-san's little nephew in the "Otoko wa Tsurai yo" film series, and he appeared in Akira Kurosawa's "Rhapsody in August" and "Madadayo". He won the Japan Academy Award Best Actor in 2006 for "Always - Sunset on Third Street".

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Hidetaka Miyazaki

First Name Hidetaka
Born on November 30, 2003 (age 21)

Hidetaka Miyazaki is a Japanese video game director, designer, writer, and company president of FromSoftware. He originally joined the company in 2004 as a game designer for the Armored Core series, later becoming known for creating the Souls series, starting with Demon's Souls in 2009. Other games he has worked on include Bloodborne and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.

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Hidetaka Kanazono

First Name Hidetaka
Born on September 1, 1988 (age 36)
Height 184 cm | 6'0

Hidetaka Kanazono is a Japanese association footballer who is currently contracted to AC Nagano Parceiro. He plays as a striker.

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Hidetaka Sugimura

First Name Hidetaka
Born on March 1, 1982 (age 42)

Hidetaka Sugimura is a Japanese boccia player. He has represented Japan since 2010 and in the Summer Paralympics since 2012.

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Hidetaka Yamada

First Name Hidetaka
Born on June 22, 1976 (age 48)

Hidetaka Yamada is a male badminton player from Japan.

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