List of Famous people named Helena

Name Helena is among the most common names in Brazil, Portugal. Similar names: Helen, Helene, Heleine, Helina, Helenio, Hellen, Hellene. Here are some famous Helenas:

Helena Bonham Carter

First Name Helena
Last Name Carter
Born on May 26, 1966 (age 58)
Height 157 cm | 5'2

Helena Bonham Carter is an English actress. Known for her roles in independent films and large-scale blockbusters, she is the recipient of such accolades as a British Academy Film Award, two Screen Actors Guild Awards, and nominations for two Academy Awards, eight Golden Globes, four Primetime Emmy Awards and three British Academy Television Awards.

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Helena Zengel

First Name Helena
Last Name Zengel
Born in Germany

Helena Zengel is a German actress.

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Helena Christensen

Helena Christensen is a Danish supermodel and photographer. She is a former Victoria's Secret Angel, clothing designer and beauty queen. Christensen was also the co-founder and original creative director for Nylon magazine, and she is a supporter of funding for breast cancer organizations and other philanthropic charities.

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Helena Dalli

Elena Abela
First Name Helena
Last Name Dalli
Born on September 29, 1962 (age 61)

Helena Dalli is a Maltese politician serving as European Commissioner for Equality since 1 December 2019. She is a member of the Labour Party.

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Helena Noguerra

Hélène Barbara Ribeiro Furtado Velho Nogueira
First Name Helena
Last Name Noguerra
Born on May 18, 1969 (age 55)

Helena Noguerra is a Belgian actress, singer and television presenter of Portuguese descent. She is the sister of singer Lio.

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Helena Rizzo

First Name Helena
Last Name Rizzo
Born on November 30, 1977 (age 46)

Helena Rizzo is a Brazilian chef and restaurateur. She runs the restaurant Maní in São Paulo. Rizzo was elected Best Female Chef of the Year by Restaurant Magazine in 2014.

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Helena Rojo

First Name Helena
Last Name Rojo
Born on August 18, 1944 (age 79)
Born in Mexico

Helena Rojo is a Mexican actress and model.

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Helena Morrissey

First Name Helena
Last Name Morrissey

Helena Louise Morrissey, Baroness Morrissey,, is a British financier and campaigner.

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Helena Costa

First Name Helena
Last Name Costa
Born on April 15, 1978 (age 46)
Born in Brazil, Paraíba

Helena Margarida dos Santos e Costa is a Portuguese football manager.

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Helena Ranaldi

First Name Helena
Last Name Ranaldi
Born on May 24, 1966 (age 58)
Born in Brazil, São Paulo

Helena Ranaldi Nogueira is a Brazilian actress.

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