List of Famous people named Guillaume

Name Guillaume is among the most common names in France. Here are some famous Guillaumes:

Guillaume Canet

First Name Guillaume
Last Name Canet
Born on April 10, 1973 (age 51)
Height 177 cm | 5'10

Guillaume Canet is a French actor, film director and screenwriter, and show jumper.

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Guillaume de Tonquédec

Guillaume de Quengo de Tonquédec
First Name Guillaume
Last Name Tonquédec
Born on October 18, 1966 (age 58)

Guillaume de Tonquédec is a French actor.

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Guillaume Peltier

First Name Guillaume
Last Name Peltier
Born on August 27, 1976 (age 48)

Guillaume Peltier is a French politician and business leader. He is a former member of the National Front and the former leader of its youth section. Peltier leads The Strong Right, a right-wing populist faction of the UMP, similar to The Popular Right faction. Since February 2013, he has been vice-president of the Union for a Popular Movement. He was a founder of the pro-life student group Young Christian Action

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Guillaume Cizeron

First Name Guillaume
Last Name Cizeron
Born on November 12, 1994 (age 30)
Height 185 cm | 6'1

Guillaume Cizeron is a French ice dancer. With his partner, Gabriella Papadakis, he is the 2018 Olympic silver medalist, a four-time World champion, a five-time consecutive European champion (2015–2019), the 2017 and 2019 Grand Prix Final champion, and a six-time French national champion (2015–2020). They have won ten gold medals on the Grand Prix series. Earlier in their career, they won silver at the 2012 Junior Grand Prix Final and 2013 World Junior Championships.

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Guillaume Martin

First Name Guillaume
Last Name Martin
Born on June 9, 1993 (age 31)
Height 173 cm | 5'8

Guillaume Martin is a French cyclist who currently rides for UCI WorldTeam Cofidis.

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Guillaume Gouix

First Name Guillaume
Last Name Gouix
Born on November 30, 1983 (age 41)

Guillaume Gouix is a French actor, director and screenwriter.

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Guillaume Musso

First Name Guillaume
Last Name Musso
Born on June 6, 1974 (age 50)

Guillaume Musso is a French novelist.

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Guillaume Gallienne

First Name Guillaume
Last Name Gallienne
Born on February 8, 1972 (age 53)

Guillaume Gallienne is a French actor, screenwriter and film director. He has received two Molière Awards for his stagework and has won two César Awards, one for writing and the other for his performance in his autobiographical comedy film Me, Myself and Mum (2013).

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Guillaume Hoarau

First Name Guillaume
Last Name Hoarau
Born on March 5, 1984 (age 40)
Born in France, Réunion
Height 192 cm | 6'4

Guillaume Hoarau is a French professional footballer who plays as a striker for Swiss club Sion.

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Guillaume Schiffman

First Name Guillaume
Last Name Schiffman
Born on January 1, 2000 (age 25)
Born in France

Guillaume Schiffman is a French cinematographer who is known for the films he has made with director Michel Hazanavicius, including OSS 117: Cairo, Nest of Spies in 2006 and OSS 117: Lost in Rio in 2009. Schiffman is particularly known for his work on The Artist with Hazanavicius. Schiffman shot The Artist in color and then monochromed it into black-and-white in the lab.

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