List of Famous people named Gianni

Name Gianni is among the most common names in Italy. Often it's a shorthand for Giovanni. Similar names: Giovanni, Gianna, Gian, Ganna, Ghani, Giani. Here are some famous Giannis:

Gianni Versace

First Name Gianni
Born on December 2, 1946
Died on July 15, 1997 (aged 50)
Born in Italy, Calabria

Giovanni Maria "Gianni" Versace was an Italian fashion designer and founder of Versace, an international fashion house that produces accessories, fragrances, make-up, home furnishings, and clothes. He also designed costumes for theatre and films. As a friend of Eric Clapton; Diana, Princess of Wales; Naomi Campbell; Kate Moss; Madonna; Elton John; Tupac Shakur and many other celebrities, he was one of the first designers to link fashion to the music world.

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Gianni Infantino Riovaldi

First Name Gianni
Born on March 23, 1970 (age 54)

Giovanni Vincenzo "Gianni" Infantino is a Swiss–Italian football administrator and the current president of FIFA. He was elected President of FIFA during the 2016 FIFA Extraordinary Congress on 26 February 2016. He was reelected as FIFA President on 5 June 2019. On 10 January 2020 he was elected a member of the International Olympic Committee.

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Gianni Moscon

First Name Gianni
Born on April 20, 1994 (age 30)
Height 182 cm | 6'0

Gianni Moscon is an Italian professional cyclist, who currently rides for UCI WorldTeam Ineos Grenadiers.

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Gianni Russo

Gianni Vito Russo is an American actor and singer. He is best known for his role as Carlo Rizzi in the 1972 film The Godfather.

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Gianni Giardinelli

First Name Gianni
Born on August 28, 1979 (age 45)

Gianni Giardinelli is a French actor and model.

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Gianni Schicchi de' Cavalcanti

First Name Gianni
Born on November 30, 1249
Died on February 1, 1280 (aged 30)
Born in Italy

Schicchi was a medieval knight of Florence in the thirteenth century. His life, including his crime of fraud by being a talented imposter, is detailed by Dante in the Inferno, which inspired a Puccini opera and a later play. Dante's depiction of Schicchi's eternal punishment with insanity in hell, inspired a painting by Bouguereau.

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Gianni Agnelli

First Name Gianni
Born on March 12, 1921
Died on January 24, 2003 (aged 81)
Born in Italy, Piedmont

Giovanni "Gianni" Agnelli,, also known as L'Avvocato, was an Italian industrialist and principal shareholder of Fiat. As the head of Fiat, he controlled 4.4% of Italy's GDP, 3.1% of its industrial workforce and 16.5% of its industrial investment in research. He was the richest man in modern Italian history.

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Gianni Garko

Giovanni Garcovich
First Name Gianni
Born on July 15, 1935 (age 89)

Gianni Garko, often billed as John Garko and occasionally Gary Hudson, is an Italian actor who found fame as a leading man in 1960s Spaghetti Westerns. He is perhaps best known for his lead role as Sartana, starting with the first official film If You Meet Sartana Pray for Your Death and starring in three sequels as this character, the role played by George Hilton in the third film in the series.

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Gianni Rodari

First Name Gianni
Born on October 23, 1920
Died on April 14, 1980 (aged 59)
Born in Italy, Piedmont

Giovanni Francesco "Gianni" Rodari was an Italian writer and journalist, most famous for his works of children's literature, notably Il romanzo di Cipollino. For his lasting contribution as a children's author he received the biennial Hans Christian Andersen Medal in 1970. He is considered as Italy's most important 20th-century children's author and his books have been translated into many languages, though few have been published in English.

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Gianni De Biasi

Giovanni De Biasi
First Name Gianni
Born on June 16, 1956 (age 68)
Born in Italy, Veneto
Height 178 cm | 5'10

Giovanni "Gianni" De Biasi is an Italian football coach and former player. He holds dual Italian and Albanian citizenship. De Biasi was the first coach of the Albania national team to lead the team to qualify for a major tournament, namely UEFA Euro 2016.

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