List of Famous people named Emilio

Name Emilio is among the most common names in Spain, Italy. Similar names: Emily, Emil, Emile, Emilie, Emilia, Aemilia, Emiel, Emili, Emelie, Emeli, Emelia, Emillia, Emilye, Ymilia. Here are some famous Emilios:

Emilio Estevez

First Name Emilio
Born on May 12, 1962 (age 62)
Height 164 cm | 5'5

Emilio Estévez is an American actor, film director, screenwriter and producer.

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Emilio Lozoya Austin

First Name Emilio
Born on December 8, 1974 (age 49)
Born in Mexico, Chihuahua

Emilio Ricardo Lozoya Austin is a Mexican economist and politician. He was the CEO of Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) from 2012 to 2016.

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Emilio Lledó Andonig ju ior

First Name Emilio
Born on November 5, 1927 (age 96)
Born in Spain, Andalusia

Emilio Lledó Íñigo is a Spanish philosopher. He has been a professor at several universities and is a member of the Royal Spanish Academy.

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Emilio Comici

First Name Emilio
Born on February 21, 1901
Died on October 19, 1940 (aged 39)

Leonardo Emilio Comici was an Italian mountain climber and caver. He made numerous ascents in the Eastern Alps, particularly in the Dolomites and in the Julian Alps. Comici was nicknamed the "Angel of the Dolomites".

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Emilio Osorio

First Name Emilio
Born on November 25, 2002 (age 21)
Born in Mexico

Emilio Osorio Marcos is a Mexican actor and singer, son of Mexican producer Juan Osorio and Cuban-Mexican actress Niurka Marcos.

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Emilio Aragón Álvarez

First Name Emilio
Born on April 16, 1959 (age 65)

Emilio Aragón Álvarez, is a Spanish director, musician, actor, presenter and producer. He was the original presenter of the Spanish game show VIP Noche, which was a popular 1990s game show on the Spanish Telecinco network. He later hosted and directed the first season of El gran juego de la oca on Antena 3, also in Spain. Since 2006 he has been the president of the television network La Sexta.

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Emilio Gómez

Emilio Gómez Estrada is an Ecuadorian tennis player playing primarily on the ATP Challenger Tour. He is currently the No. 1 Ecuadorian tennis player. On October 14, 2019, he reached his highest ATP singles ranking of 143 and his highest doubles ranking of 254 was achieved on September 14, 2015.

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Emilio Kehrer

First Name Emilio
Born on March 20, 2002 (age 22)

Emilio Kehrer is a German professional footballer who plays as a right winger for SC Freiburg II.

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Emilio Butragueño

Emilio Butragueño Santos

Emilio Butragueño Santos is a Spanish retired footballer who played as a striker.

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Emilio Estefan

First Name Emilio
Born on March 4, 1953 (age 71)

Emilio Estefan Gómez is a Cuban American musician and producer. Estefan has won 19 Grammy Awards. He first came to prominence as a member of the Miami Sound Machine. He is the husband of singer Gloria Estefan, father of son Nayib Estefan and daughter Emily Estefan, and the uncle of Spanish-language television personality Lili Estefan.

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