List of Famous people named Elmer

Here are some famous Elmers:

Elmer McCurdy

Elmer J. McCurdy
First Name Elmer
Last Name McCurdy
Born on January 1, 1880
Died on October 7, 1911 (aged 31)

Elmer J. McCurdy was an American bank and train robber who was killed in a shoot-out with police after robbing a Katy Train in Oklahoma in October 1911. Dubbed "The Bandit Who Wouldn't Give Up", his mummified body was first put on display at an Oklahoma funeral home and then became a fixture on the traveling carnival and sideshow circuit during the 1920s through the 1960s. After changing ownership several times, McCurdy's remains eventually wound up at The Pike amusement zone in Long Beach, California where they were discovered by a film crew and positively identified in December 1976.

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Elmer Wayne Henley

Helmer Wayne Henley Jr
First Name Elmer
Last Name Henley
Born on May 9, 1956 (age 68)

Elmer Wayne Henley Jr. is a convicted American serial killer and sex offender, incarcerated in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) system. Henley was convicted in 1974 for his role as a participant in a series of murders known colloquially as the Houston Mass Murders in which a minimum of 28 teenage boys and young men were abducted, tortured, raped and murdered by Dean Corll between 1970 and 1973. Henley and David Owen Brooks, together and individually, lured many of the victims to Corll's home. Henley, then 17 years old, shot Corll to death on August 8, 1973.

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Elmer Fung

First Name Elmer
Last Name Fung
Born on May 8, 1948
Died on November 30, 2017 (aged 69)

Elmer Fung or Fung Hu-hsiang is a Taiwanese retired politician. A member of the New Party, he represented Taipei City in the Legislative Yuan from 1999 to 2002. In 2000, he and Li Ao formed the New Party presidential ticket, which finished fifth.

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Elmer Rice

Elmer Leopold Reizenstein
First Name Elmer
Last Name Rice
Born on September 28, 1892
Died on May 8, 1967 (aged 74)

Elmer Rice was an American playwright. He is best known for his plays The Adding Machine (1923) and his Pulitzer Prize-winning drama of New York tenement life, Street Scene (1929).

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Elmer Schoebel

First Name Elmer
Last Name Schoebel
Born on September 8, 1896
Died on December 14, 1970 (aged 74)

Elmer Schoebel was an American jazz pianist, composer, and arranger.

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Elmer Huerta

First Name Elmer
Last Name Huerta
Born on June 12, 1952 (age 72)
Born in Peru, Áncash

Élmer Emilio Huerta Ramírez, is a Peruvian medical oncologist and internist, public health specialist in epidemiology, and health communicator based in the United States. He studied Medicine (MD) at the National University of San Marcos in Peru and a Master in Public Health (MPH) at Johns Hopkins University in the United States. He was president of the American Cancer Society between 2007 and 2008, being the first Latino president of this prestigious organization. He founded the Cancer Preventory, which he runs, at the MedStar Washington Hospital Center Cancer Institute in Washington, DC. He is also considered a pioneer in the use of the media for educational purposes in Latin America. As a specialist in oncology, internal medicine, and public health in epidemiology, he is the official collaborator in medical issues for the main Spanish-language media in the United States and Peru, including CNN in Spanish, Univisión, Telemundo, RPP Noticias, El Comercio and América Televisión.

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Elmer Bernstein

First Name Elmer
Last Name Bernstein
Born on April 4, 1922
Died on August 18, 2004 (aged 82)

Elmer Bernstein was an American composer and conductor known for his film scores. In a career that spanned more than five decades, he composed "some of the most recognizable and memorable themes in Hollywood history", including over 150 original movie scores, as well as scores for nearly 80 television productions. Examples of his widely popular and critically acclaimed works are scores to The Ten Commandments (1956), The Magnificent Seven (1960), To Kill a Mockingbird (1962), The Great Escape (1963), The Rookies (1972–76), Animal House (1978), Airplane! (1980), Heavy Metal (1981), Ghostbusters (1984), The Black Cauldron (1985), Cape Fear (1991), The Age of Innocence (1993), Wild Wild West (1999) and Far from Heaven (2002). Early in his career, he also scored the infamous camp classic Robot Monster.

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Elmer Samuel Imes

First Name Elmer
Last Name Imes
Born on October 12, 1883
Died on September 11, 1941 (aged 57)

Elmer Samuel Imes was the second African American to earn a Ph.D. in physics and the first in the 20th century. He was among the first African-American scientists to make important contributions to modern physics. While working in industry, he gained four patents for instruments to be used for measuring magnetic and electric properties. As an academic, he developed and chaired the department of physics at Fisk University, serving from 1930 to 1941.

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Elmer Ambrose Sperry

First Name Elmer
Last Name Sperry
Born on October 12, 1860
Died on June 16, 1930 (aged 69)

Elmer Ambrose Sperry Sr. was an American inventor and entrepreneur, most famous for construction, 2 years after Herman Anschütz-Kaempfe, of the gyrocompass and as founder of the Sperry Gyroscope Company. He was known as the "father of modern navigation technology."

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Elmer Underwood

First Name Elmer
Last Name Underwood
Born on October 9, 1859
Died on August 17, 1947 (aged 87)

Underwood & Underwood was an early producer and distributor of stereoscopic and other photographic images, and later was a pioneer in the field of news bureau photography.

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