List of Famous people named Eleazar

Here are some famous Eleazars:

Eleazar Gómez

José Eleazar Gómez Sánchez
First Name Eleazar
Last Name Gómez
Born on May 29, 1986 (age 38)
Born in Mexico

José Eleazar Gómez Sánchez is a Mexican actor. He is noted for his performance in Mexican telenovelas. Gómez is the brother of actress Zoraida Gómez, Alizair Gomez and actor Jairo Gómez. He is a member of the Mexican pop band Eme 15.

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Eleazar López Contreras

First Name Eleazar
Last Name Contreras
Born on May 5, 1883
Died on January 2, 1973 (aged 89)
Born in Venezuela

José Eleazar López Contreras was President of Venezuela between 1935 and 1941. He was an army general and one of Juan Vicente Gómez's collaborators, serving as his War Minister from 1931. In 1939, López Contreras accepted on behalf of Venezuela the ships Koenigstein and Caribia which had fled with Jews from Germany.

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Eleazar Soria

First Name Eleazar
Last Name Soria
Born on January 11, 1948
Died on June 24, 2021 (aged 73)
Height 181 cm | 5'11

Eleazar Soria Ibarra was a Peruvian professional footballer who played as a right-back.

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Eleazar Avaran

First Name Eleazar
Last Name Avaran
Died on January 1, -0162

Eleazar Avaran, also known as Eleazar Maccabeus, Eleazar Hachorani/Chorani was the fourth son of Mattathias and the younger brother of Judas Maccabeus. He was killed at the Battle of Beth-zechariah during the Maccabean revolt.

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Eleazar b. Simeon

First Name Eleazar
Last Name Simeon
Born on January 1, 0200 (age 1824)

Eleazar b. Simeon was a Jewish Tanna sage of the fifth generation, contemporary of R. Judah haNasi.

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Eleazar ben Azariah

First Name Eleazar
Last Name Azariah
Born on January 1, 0100
Died on January 1, 0200 (aged 100)

Eleazar ben Azariah was a 1st-century CE Jewish tanna, i.e. Mishnaic sage. He was of the second generation and a junior contemporary of Gamaliel II, Eliezer b. Hyrcanus, Joshua b. Hananiah, and Akiva.

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Eleazar Rokach

First Name Eleazar
Last Name Rokach
Died on June 28, 1914
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Eleazar ben Shammua

First Name Eleazar
Last Name Shammua
Born on November 30, 0100 (age 1923)

For other people named Eleazer. see: Eleazar (name)

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Eleazar Wheelock

First Name Eleazar
Last Name Wheelock
Born on April 22, 1711
Died on April 24, 1779 (aged 68)

Eleazar Wheelock was an American Congregational minister, orator, and educator in Lebanon, Connecticut, for 35 years before founding Dartmouth College in New Hampshire. He had tutored Samson Occom, a Mohegan who became a Presbyterian minister and the first Native American to publish writings in English. Before founding Dartmouth, Wheelock had founded and run the Moor's Charity School in Connecticut to educate Native Americans. The college was primarily for the sons of American colonists.

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Eleazar ben Arach

First Name Eleazar
Last Name Arach
Born on January 1, 0100
Died on November 30, 0199 (aged 99)
Born in Israel

Eleazar ben Arach was one of the tannaim of the second generation.

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