List of Famous people named Efrem

Similar names: Efremia. Here are some famous Efrems:

Efrem Zimbalist Jr.

First Name Efrem
Last Name Jr.
Born on November 30, 1918
Died on May 2, 2014 (aged 95)

Efrem Zimbalist Jr. was an American actor known for his starring roles in the television series 77 Sunset Strip and The F.B.I. He is also known as recurring character "Dandy Jim Buckley" in the series Maverick and as the voice behind the character Alfred Pennyworth in Batman: The Animated Series and associated spin-offs, part of the DC Animated Universe. He also voiced Doctor Octopus in the 1990s Spider-Man animated series and the 2000 PC, Dreamcast and PlayStation Spider-Man action-adventure video game, and Justin Hammer from the second season of the 1994 Iron Man animated series.

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Efrem Zimbalist

First Name Efrem
Last Name Zimbalist
Born on April 21, 1889
Died on February 22, 1985 (aged 95)

Efrem Zimbalist Sr. was a concert violinist, composer, conductor and director of the Curtis Institute of Music.

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Efrem Forni

First Name Efrem
Last Name Forni
Born on January 10, 1889
Died on February 26, 1976 (aged 87)
Born in Italy, Lombardy

Efrem Leone Pio Forni was an Italian Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. He served as Nuncio to Belgium and Internuncio to Luxembourg from 1953 to 1962, and was elevated to the Cardinalate in 1962.

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Efrem Kurtz

First Name Efrem
Last Name Kurtz
Born on November 7, 1900
Died on June 27, 1995 (aged 94)
Born in Russia

Efrem Kurtz was a Russian conductor.

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