List of Famous people named Dmitriy

Name Dmitriy is among the most common names in Russia. Similar names: Dmitry, Dmitri, Dmytro, Dmitrii. Here are some famous Dmitriys:

Dmitriy Nagiev

Дмитрий Владимирович Нагиев
First Name Dmitriy
Born on April 4, 1967 (age 57)
Born in Russia

Dmitry Vladimirovich Nagiyev is a Russian actor, TV-host, musician, showman and radio host. In 1991, graduated from the Leningrad State Institute Of Theater, Music And Cinematography.

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Dmitriy Balandin

First Name Dmitriy
Born on April 4, 1995 (age 29)
Born in Kazakhstan
Height 195 cm | 6'5

Dmitriy Igorevich Balandin is a Kazakh breaststroke swimmer. He won the 200 m breaststroke at the 2016 Summer Olympics, as well as the 50, 100 and 200 m breaststroke events at the 2014 Asian Games.

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Dmitriy Muserskiy

First Name Dmitriy
Born on October 29, 1988 (age 35)
Height 218 cm | 7'2

Dmitry Aleksandrovich Muserskiy is a Russian volleyball player of Ukrainian descent, member of the Russia men's national volleyball team and Japanese club Suntory Sunbirds, 2012 Olympic Champion, 2013 European Champion, gold medalist of the 2011 World Cup and multiple World League medalist. Muserskiy is among the world's tallest athletes.

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Dmitriy Sergeyevich Badin

First Name Dmitriy
Born on November 15, 1990 (age 33)
Born in Russia, Kursk Oblast

Dmitri Sergeyevich Badin is a Russian intelligence officer and hacker. He is said to have penetrated computer systems of several governments and international organizations on behalf of the Russian state military intelligence service GRU. Badin is wanted by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation and the German federal prosecutor Generalbundesanwalt. He is suspected of being a member of the Sofacy Group. Badin was last known to be located in Moscow, Russia.

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Dmitriy Ovsyannikov

First Name Dmitriy
Born on February 21, 1977 (age 47)
Born in Russia, Omsk Oblast

Dmitry Vladimirovich Ovsyannikov is a Russian politician who served as Governor of Sevastopol from 18 September 2017 to 11 July 2019. He is considered a protege of Sergey Chemezov.

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Dmitry Kiselyov

First Name Dmitry
Born on June 5, 1978 (age 46)
Born in Russia

Dmitry Igorevich Kiselyov is a Russian film director.

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Dmitriy Kramarenko

First Name Dmitriy
Born on September 12, 1974 (age 49)
Born in Azerbaijan
Height 186 cm | 6'1

Dmitriy Sergeyevich Kramarenko is a former Azerbaijani football goalkeeper. Currently he is an academy coach at CSKA Moscow. His father is the former long-time goalkeeper for PFC Neftchi Baku, Sergey Kramarenko. Kramarenko also holds Russian citizenship.

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Dmitriy Shepelev

First Name Dmitriy
Born on January 25, 1983 (age 41)
Born in Belarus
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Dmytro Komarov

Дмитро Костянтинович Комаров
First Name Dmytro
Born on June 17, 1983 (age 41)
Born in Ukraine
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Dmitriy Khrustalyov

Дмитрий Юрьевич Хрусталёв
First Name Dmitriy
Born on February 20, 1979 (age 45)
Born in Russia
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