List of Famous people named Delio

Similar names: Del, Delia, Dell, Della, Dilly, Dele, Dil. Here are some famous Delios:

Delio Onnis

First Name Delio
Born on March 24, 1948 (age 76)
Born in Italy, Lazio
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Delio Onnis is a former professional football player who played as striker. Born in Italy, his family emigrated to Argentina in his youth and he was nicknamed "El Tano" in Argentina.

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Delio Fernández Cruz

First Name Delio
Born on February 17, 1986 (age 38)
Born in Spain, Galicia

Delio Fernández Cruz is a Spanish cyclist, who currently rides for UCI ProTeam Delko.

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Délio de Jesus Malheiros

First Name Délio
Born on April 9, 1961 (age 63)
Born in Brazil, Minas Gerais
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Delio Lucarelli

First Name Delio
Born on November 24, 1939 (age 85)
Born in Italy, Marche
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Delio Rossi

Delio Rossi is an Italian football manager and former footballer who played as a midfielder. He was most recently in charge as head coach of Serie B club Ascoli.

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