List of Famous people named Death

Similar names: Dita, Dito, Ditte, Ditta, Detto, Deta, Dete. Here are some famous Deaths:

death of Sandra Bland

First Name Death

Sandra Bland was a 28-year-old African American woman who was found hanged in a jail cell in Waller County, Texas, on July 13, 2015, three days after being arrested during a pretextual traffic stop. Her death was ruled a suicide. It was followed by protests against her arrest, disputing the cause of death and alleging racial violence against her.

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Gloria Ramírez

First Name Gloria
Last Name Ramírez
Born on January 11, 1963
Died on February 19, 1994 (aged 31)

Gloria Ramirez was a woman from Riverside, California who was dubbed "the Toxic Lady" or "the Toxic Woman" by the media when several hospital workers became ill after exposure to her body and blood. She had been admitted to the emergency department while suffering from late-stage cervical cancer. While treating Ramirez, several hospital workers fainted and others experienced symptoms such as shortness of breath and muscle spasms. Five workers required hospitalization, one of whom remained in an intensive care unit for two weeks.

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Death of Rey Rivera

First Name Death
Born on January 1, 1973
Died on January 1, 2006 (aged 33)

On May 24, 2006, the body of Rey Rivera was found inside the historic Belvedere Hotel in the Mount Vernon neighborhood of Baltimore, Maryland. Although the event was ruled a probable suicide by the Baltimore Police Department, the circumstances of Rivera's death are mysterious and disputed.

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Death of Kenneka Jenkins

First Name Death
Born on May 27, 1998
Died on September 10, 2017 (aged 19)

19-year-old Kenneka Jenkins was found dead inside a latched freezer of the Crowne Plaza Chicago O'Hare hotel in Rosemont, Illinois, after attending a party there on September 8, 2017.

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Death of Colten Boushie

First Name Death
Born on October 31, 1993
Died on August 19, 2016 (aged 22)

Colten Boushie was a 22-year-old Indigenous man of the Cree Red Pheasant First Nation who was fatally shot on a rural Saskatchewan farm by its owner, Gerald Stanley. Stanley stood trial for second-degree murder and for a lesser charge of manslaughter, but was ultimately acquitted in February 2018.

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Killing of Mustafa Tamimi

First Name Killing
Last Name Tamimi
Born on November 30, 1982
Died on December 10, 2011 (aged 29)

Mustafa Tamimi, a 28-year-old Palestinian taxi driver, was killed when he was hit by a tear gas canister by Israeli forces fired from close range and striking him directly in the face on 9 December 2011 during a weekly protest in Nabi Salih, West Bank. The tear gas canister that struck him was fired from the rear door of a military vehicle at which he was throwing stones while running after it. The incident raised questions about Israeli military behavior when engaging with the demonstrators.

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Death of Yasin Börü

First Name Death
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Don't know him/her
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