List of Famous people named Crawford

Here are some famous Crawfords:

Crawford Goldsby

First Name Crawford
Last Name Goldsby
Born on February 8, 1876
Died on March 17, 1896 (aged 20)

Crawford Goldsby was a 19th-century American outlaw, known by the alias Cherokee Bill. Responsible for the murders of eight men, he and his gang terrorized the Indian Territory for over two years.

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Crawford Williamson Long

First Name Crawford
Last Name Long
Born on November 1, 1815
Died on June 16, 1878 (aged 62)

Crawford Williamson Long was an American surgeon and pharmacist best known for his first use of inhaled sulfuric ether as an anesthetic.

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Crawford George Rome MacLachlan

First Name Crawford
Last Name MacLachlan
Born on February 28, 1958 (age 66)
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Crawford Tait

First Name Crawford
Last Name Tait
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