List of Famous people named Charles-adolphe

Here are some famous Charles-adolphes:

Charles-Adolphe Wurtz

First Name Charles-Adolphe
Born on November 26, 1817
Died on May 12, 1884 (aged 66)
Born in France, Grand Est

Charles Adolphe Wurtz was an Alsatian French chemist. He is best remembered for his decades-long advocacy for the atomic theory and for ideas about the structures of chemical compounds, against the skeptical opinions of chemists such as Marcellin Berthelot and Henri Étienne Sainte-Claire Deville. He is well known by organic chemists for the Wurtz reaction, to form carbon-carbon bonds by reacting alkyl halides with sodium, and for his discoveries of ethylamine, ethylene glycol, and the aldol reaction. Wurtz was also an influential writer and educator.

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