List of Famous people named Cassandra

Here are some famous Cassandras:

Cassandra Peterson

First Name Cassandra
Last Name Peterson
Born on September 17, 1951 (age 73)
Height 166 cm | 5'5

Cassandra Peterson is an American actress, writer and singer. She is best known for her portrayal of the horror hostess character Elvira, Mistress of the Dark. Peterson gained fame on Los Angeles television station KHJ-TV wearing a revealing, black, gothic, cleavage-enhancing gown as host of Elvira's Movie Macabre, a weekly B movie presentation.

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Cassandra Steen

First Name Cassandra
Last Name Steen
Born on February 9, 1980 (age 45)

Cassandra Steen is an American-German singer, songwriter and voice actress who rose to fame as the lead singer of the trio Glashaus. After a series of commercially successful releases with the group, Steen released her moderately successful solo debut album Seele mit Herz in 2003. After her departure from Glashaus and a label change to Universal Urban Records in 2007, she released her second album Darum leben wir in 2009. A gold-certified the top ten success, it spawned three singles, including "Stadt," the fourth biggest-selling single of 2009 in Germany. In 2010, she won the ECHO Award for Best National Artist Rock/Pop.

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Cassandra Sánchez Navarro

First Name Cassandra
Last Name Navarro
Born on July 3, 1991 (age 33)
Born in Mexico

Cassandra Sánchez Navarro is a Mexican actress, best known for her role Chelito Durán in the Televisa's telenovela Corona de lágrimas, adaption of the 1965 telenovela of the same name. Later she stood out as a villain in the telenovela Quiero amarte, where she played Flavia. Recently she has had important roles in series such as La bella y las bestias (2018), This Is Silvia Pinal (2019), where she played Silvia Pinal's deceased daughter, Viridiana Alatriste. Cassandra is daughter of the actress Mónica Sánchez Navarro, niece of the Mexican actor Rafael Sánchez Navarro, and granddaughter of the famous deceased Mexican film actor Manolo Fábregas. She studied acting and dramaturgy at the Televisa Centro de Educación Artística from which she left in 2011.

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Cassandra Ciangherotti

First Name Cassandra
Last Name Ciangherotti
Born on January 1, 1987 (age 38)
Born in Mexico

Cassandra Ciangherotti is a Mexican actress and producer, best known for her role in the 2015 Mexican drama film The Hours with You, film for which she was nominated in the Ariel Awards for Best Supporting Actress in that same year. The following year she was nominated in the same category at the Ariel Awards, for her participation in the film Tiempos felices (2014).

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Cassandra Jean

First Name Cassandra
Last Name Jean
Born on October 5, 1985 (age 39)

Cassandra Jean Whitehead, also known as Cassandra Jean Amell, is an American actress, model, and beauty pageant queen from Houston, Texas. Jean attended Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi.

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Cassandra Holmes Darvall

First Name Cassandra
Last Name Darvall
Born on January 1, 1964 (age 61)
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Cassandra Wilson

First Name Cassandra
Last Name Wilson
Born on December 4, 1955 (age 69)

Cassandra Wilson is an American jazz singer, songwriter, and producer from Jackson, Mississippi. She has been described by critic Gary Giddins as "a singer blessed with an unmistakable timbre and attack [who has] expanded the playing field" by incorporating blues, country, and folk music into her work.

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Cassandra Jade Estevez

First Name Cassandra
Last Name Estevez
Born on December 12, 1984 (age 40)
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Cassandra Freeman

First Name Cassandra
Last Name Freeman
Born on October 1, 1978 (age 46)
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Cassandra Gava

First Name Cassandra
Last Name Gava
Born on April 28, 1959 (age 65)

Cassandra Gava is an American actress and producer best known for her performance as the witch in the 1982 film Conan the Barbarian, and as the slave woman Alessa in High Road to China. She appeared in 21 films between 1979 and 1998. She also appears on the cover of the Jefferson Starship album Spitfire, and is credited as "dragon princess" in the liner notes. Gava appeared in Taxi as Desiree in the 1981 episode "Vienna Waits".

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