List of Famous people named Butler

Here are some famous Butlers:

Butler Ames

First Name Butler
Last Name Ames
Born on August 22, 1871
Died on November 6, 1954 (aged 83)

Butler Ames was an American politician, engineer, soldier and businessman. He was the son of Adelbert Ames and grandson of Benjamin Franklin Butler, both decorated generals in the Union Army during the American Civil War.

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Butler Lampson

First Name Butler
Last Name Lampson
Born on December 23, 1943 (age 81)

Butler W. Lampson, ForMemRS, is an American computer scientist best known for his contributions to the development and implementation of distributed personal computing.

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Butler Brooke

First Name Butler
Last Name Brooke
Died on November 14, 1869
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Butler Julius Septimus Octavius Carter

First Name Butler
Last Name Carter
Born on October 5, 1846
Died on October 14, 1916 (aged 70)
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Butler Edmund Thornton

First Name Butler
Last Name Thornton
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Butler Brayne

First Name Butler
Last Name Brayne
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Don't know him/her
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