List of Famous people named Bhad

Here are some famous Bhads:

Bhad Bhabie

Danielle Peskowitz Bregoli
First Name Bhad
Born on March 26, 2003 (age 21)
Height 150 cm | 4'11

Danielle Marie Bregoli, known professionally as Bhad Bhabie, is an American rapper, songwriter, and internet personality from Boynton Beach, Florida. She first became known from an episode of Dr. Phil in September 2016, in which she said the phrase, "Catch me outside, how about that?", which became a viral video meme and catchphrase. In 2017, Bregoli became the youngest female rapper ever to appear on the same chart with her debut single "These Heaux". She subsequently signed a record deal with Atlantic Records and has now expanded into a reality show, a makeup brand, tours, and a music career. Bregoli released her first mixtape, 15, in September 2018. Its lead single, "Hi Bich", became her second single to appear on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.

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