List of Famous people named Asif

Similar names: Aasif, Assef. Here are some famous Asifs:

Asif Ali

First Name Asif
Last Name Ali
Born on October 1, 1991 (age 32)
Born in Pakistan, Punjab

Asif Ali is a Pakistani professional cricketer who plays for Pakistan cricket team. In first class cricket, Asif represents Northern, and plays for Islamabad United in the Pakistan Super League.

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Asif Kapadia

First Name Asif
Last Name Kapadia

Asif Kapadia is a British filmmaker. His early award-winning films include The Sheep Thief (1997), winner of the 2nd Prize Cinéfondation for Short Film at the Cannes Film Festival, and The Warrior (2001), winning the BAFTA Award for Best British Film 2003.

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Asif Ali Zardari

First Name Asif
Last Name Zardari
Born on July 26, 1955 (age 69)
Born in Pakistan, Sindh

Asif Ali Zardari is a Pakistani politician who is the president of Pakistan Peoples Party Parliamentarians and was the co-chairperson of Pakistan People's Party. He served as the 11th President of Pakistan from 2008 to 2013, the first president born after Partition. He is member of National Assembly of Pakistan since August 2018.

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Asif Ali

First Name Asif
Last Name Ali
Born on February 4, 1986 (age 38)
Born in India

Asif Ali is an Indian film actor and producer, who predominantly works in Mollywood film industry. He started his film career with Shyamaprasad's 2009 film Ritu, which was highly appreciated by the critics.

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