List of Famous people named Asakura

Here are some famous Asakuras:

Asakura Yoshikage

First Name Asakura
Last Name Yoshikage
Born on October 12, 1533
Died on October 16, 1573 (aged 40)
Born in Japan

Asakura Yoshikage was a Japanese daimyō of the Sengoku period (1467–1603) who ruled a part of Echizen Province in present-day Fukui Prefecture. Yoshikage's conflicts with Oda Nobunaga (1534–1582) resulted in his death and the destruction of the Asakura clan and its castle, Ichijōdani Castle.

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Asakura Kageakira

First Name Asakura
Last Name Kageakira
Born on November 30, 1528
Died on May 4, 1574 (aged 45)

Asakura Kageaki , also known as Asakura Kageakira, was a Japanese samurai warrior of the later Sengoku period.

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Asakura Norikage

First Name Asakura
Last Name Norikage
Born on January 1, 1477
Died on September 23, 1555 (aged 78)

Asakura Norikage , also known as Asakura Sōteki, was a Japanese samurai warrior of the latter Sengoku Period.

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Asakura Takakage

First Name Asakura
Last Name Takakage
Born on December 30, 1493
Died on April 30, 1548 (aged 54)
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First Name ASAKURA
Last Name KATE
Born on January 1, 1980 (age 44)
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Asakura Nobukage

First Name Asakura
Last Name Nobukage
Born on November 30, 1570
Died on November 30, 1651 (aged 81)
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Asakura Kumagimimaru

First Name Asakura
Last Name Kumagimimaru
Born on November 30, 1561
Died on July 19, 1568 (aged 6)
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Asakura Aiōmaru

First Name Asakura
Last Name Aiōmaru
Born on November 30, 1569
Died on September 22, 1573 (aged 3)
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