List of Famous people named Antigonus

Here are some famous Antigonuses:

Antigonus I Monophthalmus

First Name Antigonus
Born on November 30, -0383
Died on November 30, -0302 (aged 81)

Antigonus I Monophthalmus, son of Philip from Elimeia, was a Macedonian nobleman, general, satrap, and king. During the first half of his life he served under Philip II; after Philip's death in 336 BC, he served Philip's son Alexander. He was a major figure in the Wars of the Diadochi after Alexander's death, declaring himself king in 306 BC and establishing the Antigonid dynasty.

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Antigonus II Gonatas

First Name Antigonus
Born on January 1, -0319
Died on January 1, -0239 (aged 80)

Antigonus II Gonatas was a Macedonian ruler who solidified the position of the Antigonid dynasty in Macedon after a long period defined by anarchy and chaos and acquired fame for his victory over the Gauls who had invaded the Balkans.

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Antigonus III Doson

First Name Antigonus
Born on January 1, -0263
Died on January 1, -0221 (aged 42)

Antigonus III Doson was king of Macedon from 229 BC to 221 BC. He was a member of the Antigonid dynasty.

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Antigonus II Mattathias

First Name Antigonus
Born on January 1, -0100
Died on January 1, -0037 (aged 63)

Antigonus II Mattathias, also known as Antigonus the Hasmonean was the last Hasmonean king of Judea. A puppet king installed by the Parthians, he was the son of King Aristobulus II of Judea. In 37 BCE Herod handed him over to the Romans for execution, after Antigonus's three-year reign during which he led the Jews' fierce struggle for independence against the Romans.

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Antigonus of Sokho

First Name Antigonus
Died on November 30, -0265

Antigonus of Sokho was the first scholar of whom Pharisee tradition has preserved not only the name but also an important theological doctrine. He flourished about the first half of the third century BCE.

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