List of Famous people with last name Zemmour

Éric Zemmour

Éric Justin Léon Zemmour
First Name Éric
Last Name Zemmour
Born on August 31, 1958 (age 65)

Éric Justin Léon Zemmour is a French essayist, political journalist and writer. His anti-liberal and anti-immigration positions, as well as the numerous controversies he has been involved in, are notorious in his homeland. With the publication of The French Suicide in 2014, a book for which he was awarded the Prix Combourg-Chateaubriand the following year, he gained popularity outside of France. He also received the Prix Richelieu in 2011 for the whole of his career as a journalist.

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Emmanuel Zemmour

First Name Emmanuel
Last Name Zemmour
Born on November 20, 1987 (age 36)
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Michael Zemour

First Name Michael
Last Name Zemour
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