List of Famous people with last name Yoshitsugu

Ōtani Yoshitsugu

First Name Ōtani
Last Name Yoshitsugu
Born on January 1, 1559
Died on October 21, 1600 (aged 41)
Born in Japan

Ōtani Yoshitsugu was a Japanese samurai of the Sengoku period through the Azuchi-Momoyama Period. He was also known by his court title, Gyōbu-shōyū (刑部少輔). He was born in 1558 to a father who was said to be a retainer of either Ōtomo Sōrin or Rokkaku Yoshikata. He became one of Toyotomi Hideyoshi's followers. He participated in the Kyūshū, Toyotomi campaign, and was sent to Korea as one of the Three Bureaucrats with Mashita Nagamori and Ishida Mitsunari.

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Miyoshi Yoshitsugu

First Name Miyoshi
Last Name Yoshitsugu
Born on January 1, 1549
Died on December 10, 1573 (aged 24)

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu , adopted son of Nagayoshi, was a samurai of the Sengoku period who was practically the last head of Miyoshi clan, daimyō of Kawachi Province of Japan.

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Tatekawa Yoshitsugu

First Name Tatekawa
Last Name Yoshitsugu
Born on October 3, 1880
Died on September 9, 1945 (aged 64)

Yoshitsugu Tatekawa was a lieutenant-general in the Imperial Japanese Army in World War II. He played an important role in the Mukden Incident in 1931 and as Japanese ambassador to the Soviet Union he negotiated the Soviet–Japanese Neutrality Pact in 1941.

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Nihonmatsu Yoshitsugu

First Name Nihonmatsu
Born on January 1, 1552
Died on November 29, 1585 (aged 33)

Nihonmatsu Yoshitsugu or Hatakeyama Yoshitsugu was a Japanese daimyō of the Sengoku period, who was the 14th head of the Nihonmatsu clan of Mutsu.

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Ashikaga Yoshitsugu

First Name Ashikaga
Last Name Yoshitsugu
Born on November 30, 1393
Died on March 1, 1418 (aged 24)
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