List of Famous people with last name Windsor

Lord Nicholas Windsor

First Name Lord
Last Name Windsor
Born on July 25, 1970 (age 54)

Lord Nicholas Charles Edward Jonathan Windsor is a relative of the British royal family, youngest child of Prince Edward, Duke of Kent. As a Catholic convert, he has forfeited his right of succession. Lord Nicholas has voiced strong views on the issue of abortion, and actively promotes the protection of the unborn child.

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Lady Sarah Windsor

First Name Lady
Last Name Windsor
Born on January 1, 1763
Died on December 22, 1825 (aged 62)
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Eleanor Windsor

First Name Eleanor
Born on January 1, 1479
Died on March 25, 1531 (aged 52)
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Andrew Windsor, 1st Baron Windsor

First Name Andrew
Last Name Windsor
Born on January 1, 1467
Died on January 1, 1543 (aged 76)

Sir Andrew Windsor, 1st Baron Windsor (1467–1543), was an English peer, M.P. and Keeper of the wardrobe, knight banneret and military commander.

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Gerald de Windsor

First Name Gerald
Last Name Windsor
Born on January 1, 1070
Died on January 1, 1136 (aged 66)

Gerald de Windsor, alias Gerald FitzWalter, was the first castellan of Pembroke Castle in Pembrokeshire, in Wales, and was in charge of the Norman forces in southwest Wales. He was the ancestor of the FitzGerald, FitzMaurice, De Barry, and Keating dynasties of Ireland, who were elevated to the Peerage of Ireland in the 14th century and was also the ancestor of the prominent Carew family, of Moulsford in Berkshire, Carew Castle in Pembrokeshire and of Mohuns Ottery in Devon.

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Lady Marina Windsor

First Name Lady
Last Name Windsor
Born on September 30, 1992 (age 31)

Lady Marina Charlotte Alexandra Katharine Helen Windsor is a British noblewoman and relative of the British royal family. Although she is a great-great-granddaughter of King George V, and a second cousin once removed of Charles III, she was removed from the line of succession to the British throne in 2008 after being confirmed into the Roman Catholic Church.

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Thomas Windsor, 1st Viscount Windsor

First Name Thomas
Last Name Windsor
Died on June 8, 1738

Lieutenant-General Thomas Windsor, 1st Viscount Windsor, styled The Honourable Thomas Windsor until 1699, was a British Army officer, landowner and Tory politician who sat in the English and British House of Commons between 1685 and 1712. He was then elevated to the British House of Lords as one of Harley's Dozen.

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Henry Windsor, 5th Lord Windsor

First Name Henry
Last Name Windsor
Born on August 10, 1562
Died on April 6, 1605 (aged 42)
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Lady Maria Windsor

First Name Lady
Last Name Windsor
Born on January 1, 1790
Died on April 7, 1855 (aged 65)
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Elizabeth Windsor

First Name Elizabeth
Last Name Windsor
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