List of Famous people with last name Washburne

Elihu B. Washburne

First Name Elihu
Born on September 23, 1816
Died on October 23, 1887 (aged 71)

Elihu Benjamin Washburne was an American politician and diplomat. A member of the Washburn family, which played a prominent role in the early formation of the United States Republican Party, he served as a congressman from Illinois before and during the American Civil War. He was a political ally of President Abraham Lincoln and General Ulysses S. Grant. During Grant's administration, Washburne was the 25th United States Secretary of State briefly in 1869, and was the United States Minister to France from 1869 to 1877.

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Hempstead Washburne

First Name Hempstead
Last Name Washburne
Born on November 11, 1852
Died on April 13, 1919 (aged 66)

Hempstead Washburne was a Republican attorney and politician who served as mayor of Chicago, Illinois from 1891 to 1893. He was the son of Elihu B. Washburne.

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