List of Famous people with last name Waddingham

Hannah Waddingham

First Name Hannah
Last Name Waddingham
Born on July 28, 1974 (age 49)
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Hannah Waddingham is an English actress and singer, best known for her contribution to West End musical theatre, particularly her performances in the original London production of Spamalot, the 2010 Regent's Park revival of Into the Woods, and most recently, The Wizard of Oz. She has received three Olivier Award nominations for her work. She has also had a successful film and television career. In 2015 she joined the cast of the fifth season of the HBO series Game of Thrones as Septa Unella, as well as appearing in the 2012 feature film adaptation of Les Misérables and 2018 British psychological thriller Winter Ridge in a primary role.

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