List of Famous people with last name Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci
First Name Leonardo
Last Name Vinci
Born on April 15, 1452
Died on May 2, 1519 (aged 67)
Born in Italy, Tuscany

Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian polymath of the High Renaissance who is widely considered one of the most diversely talented individuals ever to have lived. While his fame initially rested on his achievements as a painter, he also became known for his notebooks, in which he made drawings and notes on science and invention; these involve a variety of subjects including anatomy, astronomy, botany, cartography, painting, and palaeontology. Leonardo's genius epitomized the Renaissance humanist idea, and his collective works compose a contribution to later generations of artists rivalled only by that of his contemporary Michelangelo.

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Roberta Vinci

First Name Roberta
Born on February 18, 1983 (age 41)
Born in Italy, Apulia
Height 163 cm | 5'4

Roberta Vinci is a retired Italian tennis player. She is the winner of five Grand Slam tournaments in doubles. Until 6 April 2015, she held the position of world No. 1 in doubles, and reached a career-high of No. 7 in singles in May 2016. She is the fourth Italian woman to have reached the top 10 in singles, having attained the rank after Flavia Pennetta, Francesca Schiavone and Sara Errani. At 33 years and 4 days old, she became the oldest player ever to make her first appearance in the top 10.

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Charles Vinci

First Name Charles
Last Name Vinci
Born on February 28, 1933
Died on June 13, 2018 (aged 85)
Height 152 cm | 5'0

Charles Thomas Vinci Jr. was an American weightlifter and Olympic champion. Born in Cleveland, Ohio, Vinci was the United States Senior National Champion from 1954 to 1956 and from 1958 to 1961. He received silver medals in the 1955 and 1958 world championships. He won gold medals at the 1955 and 1959 Pan American games. He won a gold medal at the 1956 Summer Olympics in Melbourne, with a world-record three-lift total of 342.5 kilograms (755.1 lb). Just prior to weighing-in, Vinci was 1.5 pounds overweight. After an hour of running and sweating, he was still seven ounces over the limit, but a severe last-minute haircut saw him make the weight limit. He won gold again at the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome.

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Jean Vinci

First Name Jean
Last Name Vinci
Born on March 22, 1921
Died on April 8, 2010 (aged 89)
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Carole Vinci

First Name Carole
Last Name Vinci
Born on January 1, 1950 (age 75)
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Leonardo Vinci

First Name Leonardo
Last Name Vinci
Born on January 1, 1690
Died on May 27, 1730 (aged 40)
Born in Italy, Calabria

Leonardo Vinci was an Italian composer, best known for his operas.

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Ser Piero da Vinci

Born on November 30, 1425
Died on July 9, 1504 (aged 78)
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