List of Famous people with last name Vick

Michael Vick

Michael Dwayne Vick is a former professional American football quarterback who played 13 seasons in the National Football League (NFL), primarily with the Atlanta Falcons and the Philadelphia Eagles. He played college football at Virginia Tech and was selected by the Falcons as the first overall pick in the 2001 NFL Draft. During his six years with the Falcons, Vick was regarded as having transformed the quarterback position with his rushing abilities and was named to four Pro Bowls. He was the first NFL quarterback to rush for 1,000 yards in a season and holds the record for the most career rushing yards by a quarterback (6,109).

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James Vick

First Name James
Last Name Vick
Born on February 23, 1987 (age 37)

James Vick is an American mixed martial artist who formerly competed in the welterweight and lightweight divisions of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). Vick was a cast member of The Ultimate Fighter: Live.

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Marcus Vick

Marcus Deon Vick is a former American football quarterback and wide receiver. Vick played high school football at Newport News Public Schools, and accepted a football scholarship to Virginia Tech, playing quarterback, however he was suspended for the entire 2004 season due to numerous criminal convictions. Vick then declared himself eligible for the 2006 NFL Draft, but went undrafted. He was later signed by the Miami Dolphins as an undrafted free agent but was released on May 1, 2007.

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