List of Famous people with last name Valois

Jeanne de Valois

First Name Jeanne
Last Name Valois
Died on November 30, 1466
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Valérie Valois

First Name Valérie
Last Name Valois
Born on February 10, 1969 (age 55)
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Henri Valois

First Name Henri
Last Name Valois
Born on September 10, 1603
Died on May 7, 1676 (aged 72)

Henri Valois or in classical circles, Henricus Valesius, was a philologist and a student of classical and ecclesiastical historians. He is the elder brother to Adrien Valois (1607–1692), who described his life in a biography, which is the basis for all modern biographies of Henri Valois.

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Calypso Valois

First Name Calypso
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Don't know him/her
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