List of Famous people with last name Valls

Manuel Valls

Manuel Carlos Valls Galfetti
First Name Manuel
Last Name Valls
Born on August 13, 1962 (age 61)
Born in Spain, Catalonia

Manuel Carlos Valls Galfetti is a French and Spanish politician who has served as a Barcelona city councillor since June 2019. He served as Prime Minister of France from 2014 until 2016 under president François Hollande.

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Sandra Barneda i Valls

First Name Sandra
Last Name Valls
Born in Spain, Catalonia

Sandra Barneda Valls is a Spanish journalist, television presenter, actress, and writer.

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Corinne Valls

First Name Corinne
Born on February 2, 1957 (age 67)
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Rafael Valls

Rafael Valls Ferri
First Name Rafael
Last Name Valls
Born on June 25, 1987 (age 37)
Height 179 cm | 5'10

Rafael Valls Ferri is a Spanish professional road bicycle racer, who currently rides for UCI WorldTeam Team Bahrain Victorious.

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Salvador Giménez Valls

First Name Salvador
Last Name Valls
Born on May 31, 1948 (age 76)

Salvador Giménez Valls born May 31, 1948 in Muro d'Alcoi (County), Spain is the current Bishop of Lleida and former Bishop of Menorca in the Roman Catholic Church.

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Josep Bargalló i Valls

First Name Josep
Born on October 3, 1958 (age 65)
Born in Spain, Catalonia

Josep Bargalló i Valls is a Catalan teacher, politician and the current Minister of Education of Catalonia.

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Arturo Valls

First Name Arturo
Last Name Valls
Born on March 24, 1975 (age 49)

Arturo Valls Mollà is a Spanish actor, primarily featured in comedy roles, as well as television presenter. He became popular for his performance in the comedy series Camera Café from 2005 to 2009.

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