List of Famous people with last name Valenciennes

Amalric, Count of Valenciennes

First Name Amalric,
Last Name Valenciennes
Died on February 12, 0973
Born in France, Normandy

Amaury (Amulric), was a tenth century count with territory in Hainaut, possibly a Count of Valenciennes.

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Pierre-Henri de Valenciennes

First Name Pierre-Henri
Born on December 6, 1750
Died on February 16, 1819 (aged 68)
Born in France, Occitania

Pierre-Henri de Valenciennes was a French painter who was influential in elevating the status of En plein air .

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Achille Valenciennes

First Name Achille
Born on August 9, 1794
Died on April 13, 1865 (aged 70)

Achille Valenciennes was a French zoologist.

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Warin, Count of Valenciennes

First Name Warin,
Last Name Valenciennes
Born on November 30, 0949
Died on January 1, 0973 (aged 23)

Werner, Count in Hesbaye was a count in Hesbaye, now in Belgium. During his life he held lands in the Condroz and lands as far away as Zülpich, now in Germany. All the areas he was associated with were part of the Kingdom of Lotharingia, which during this period was no longer independent, but mainly under the control of Germany.

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