List of Famous people with last name Ungerer

Tomi Ungerer

First Name Tomi
Last Name Ungerer
Born on November 28, 1931
Died on February 8, 2019 (aged 87)
Born in France, Grand Est

Jean-Thomas "Tomi" Ungerer was an Alsatian artist and writer. He published over 140 books ranging from children's books to adult works and from the fantastic to the autobiographical. He was known for sharp social satire and witty aphorisms. Ungerer is also famous as a cartoonist and designer of political posters and film posters.

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Luiza Ungerer

First Name Luiza
Born on January 14, 1988 (age 36)
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Lilith Ungerer

First Name Lilith
Born on April 8, 1944
Died on February 8, 2000 (aged 55)
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Don't know him/her
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